Are you using the right energy to Manifest – Generate – Create Change?

“What KIND of energy – are you trying to use – to manifest – to generate – to create CHANGE in your life?”

Get this one WRONG and you will be blocked – and all progress STOPS DEAD.

And you’ll experience more and more frustration. Let’s put an end to that once and forever right now.

Then read on.

It’s very important that you get how THOSE TWO ENERGIES we shared in the SMALL SAMPLE recording DETERMINE YOUR RESULTS.

And if you want LESS FRUSTRATION and  more CHANGE in your life and lifestyle, it is VITAL that you learn how to ELIMINATE the one COMPLETELY and amp up the other to new LEVELS.

Because if you keep building in Frantic, Fear, and Frozen – NOTHING CHANGES for the better. And life becomes a struggle.

BUT if you do what we tell you, and more consciously and completely use the FOUR PHASES we hinted at in the sample, and share in detail in the 3 recordings you are getting below – your life will TOTALLY TRANSFORM. (In the recordings, you can hear it in my voice?!  This stuff is very simple, very effective, VERY REAL and very very powerful.)(And it eliminates the cruppy stuff that’s been holding you back – for a long long time.)

READY FOR IT MATE? (Whooo yah!)

Today you are getting 3 ACTION PACKED – lightning fast and furious recordings – from our 2012 MASTERMIND – that expand exponentially on what you just heard. You’ll learn in detail, what we do, how we do it, and how it works. Use the steps. Share them with a friend or two if you want to. And notice how YOUR ENERGY and your ABILITY both skyrocket. And how your lifestyle changes. It’s nice being happy, fulfilled, and FULL ON. Real nice. Let’s amp it up, spread the word, and dive fully in.

Nuff said.

Enjoy and apply,

Mr Twenty Twenty

Get the THREE RECORDING SPECIAL PACKAGE – Orgasmic Energy – Power of Release – The X Factors – for less than the price of a pizza and a fizzy drink.

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ONCE YOU HAVE PAID – you will be taken directly to the download page. If you need ANY help whatsoever, email us at and we will dance a jig, jump through hoops, and do what it takes to help you in any way we can. And thank you for your emails and shares. We love feedback. Keep it coming mates!
PS: If you don’t get this right, and keep trying to manifest, generate and create change in your life – WITH THE WRONG energy, what’s that going to cost you? Just time. Just life. Just the adventure of a lifetime.